Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Palliative Care Essay

1. What is Palliative Care? (150 words) Palliative Care is a care provided when someone is living with, and dying from a fatal chronic condition where the primary goal is maintaining quality of life. It provides special supportive care for anyone who is suffering a life-threatening condition approaching the end of life. Palliative care is for any age, those with cancer or any other terminal diagnosis, people of any ethnic or cultural background, whether they may live in the countryside or the city. Palliative care maintains quality of life, provides comfort although it does not cure, It relieves pain and distress for patients who are on a terminal condition. Palliative care also offers support for the patient’s family members supporting them in bereavement 2. What is meant by a life limiting illness (50 words) A life limiting illness is the term used to describe the illnesses where death is expected to be the foreseeable future of that specified illness. This can be both malignant and non-malignant illness. Such illness may include cancer, renal disease, dementia, heart disease chronic liver disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 3. Identify five members of a Palliative care multi -disciplinary health care team and briefly state what knowledge and skills each discipline contributes to the team . 1) Nurses – Nurses are the front liners in patient care and directly deals with the patient. Registered Nurses plan, direct, and coordinate care. License practical nurses works with RNs and other health professionals to provide direct care. 2) Pharmacists – The pharmacist can educate the patient and the family on how to take and manage side effects of the medications; give the doctor advice on how to administer the medication, prepare the medication, help set a schedule of taking medication, and provide ongoing monitoring of all medications. 3) Chaplains – Chaplains addresses the spiritual needs of patients like praying and answering theological questions. The help with the search for meaning in the person’s life and in the reflection of matters of faith such as prayer and rituals 4)  Physician/Family Doctor – The physician is the one in charge of a person’s medical care and works closely with the patient, patient’s family, and the palliative home care. The family doctor can refer the patient for palliative care consult. 5) Social Workers – Social workers help the patient and family in dealing with personal and social problems of illness. They assist in making referrals to community services, planning discharge to home or to a hospice, and completing advance directives in case a person loses the ability to speak for himself. 4. Describe how nurses could facilitate a â€Å" good death† by following the palliative care approach (75 words) Nurses are the one that provide direct care to the patients. They are the one who assess the patient and the first one to see any improvements or any abnormalities on patient’s condition. Nurses are the one who manage the pain and any discomfort of the patient. They are the one whom the patient talks to about their feeling and nurses must use their therapeutic and non-therapeutic communications when handling palliative patients. Nurses must also provide a safe and comfortable environment to the patients and removing any stimuli. 5. Describe how respiratory and cardiovascular factors in terminal illnesses affect the clients ADLS ADL’s are greatly affected by respiratory and cardiovascular factors because they are unable to do things they used to do. In a simple walk they can be easily exhausted, fatigued and feeling weak. Sometimes they need assistance to do their daily routine because they cannot handle it by themselves. This is all because of the respiratory and cardiovascular factors that affected them, there will be decrease in circulation and oxygenation making them feel weak on doing simple tasks. In serious cases, patient might have other complications due to lack of exercise and immobility like pneumonia and pressure areas. 6. Research and summarise the practices of Aboriginal people in relation to death and dying (100 words ) Indigenous Australians have similar practices to the general Australian population the main differences that when they gather for the purpose to share their grief and sorrow they will never again speak the name of the deceased as they believe this may stop their spirit  from moving onto the next stage of life. At the wake they paint themselves with ochre body paint and sing, dance pray assisting the soul of their loved one to move along and return to their birthplace to be re born. Their belief is that all things may posses a soul and that the soul of the deceased may return in any form even that of a rock. These ways are very traditional and differ even between tribal areas and current beliefs of the individuals. 7. What is an Advanced Health Directive and describe the advantages of having a directive in place? A written document stating ones wishes for care, primarily life sustaining measures when he or she is no longer capable to express him/herself/ 8. What is meant by life sustaining measures? Put simply is when your bodies system fails and will not recover leaving the only outcome of death a machine is used to replace the function 9. What happens if a client has no AHD and becomes too ill to express their care wishes? (30 words) When a client has no AHD they are treated as normal under the health teams objective to preserve life meaning they will be resuscitated and all attempts will be made to maintain life. Alternatively this is where the decision-making can become that of the families or a member of family. 10. Can instructions be written for doctors to assist the client to die? and how (30 words ) Advance health directives are used by patients for their future treatment when they cannot be able to speak by themselves. Doctors cannot assist the patient to die unless it is the will of the patient. There cannot be written any instruction to assist the patient to die as currently this is illegal and the health practitioner that does perform such duties with be trialled for murder. 11 . Can a client change or revoke an AHD ?. (30 words )  Patient can change their advance health directive at any time, provided that they will still have the decision – making capacity. Patient can also revoke their AHD having their signature witnessed. 12. .A family is in conflict over the treatment of their family member who is dying .The patient is in a terrible amount of pain ,yet some members want less pain relief as they don’t want him to be too drowsy .Should the patient be able to die with dignity with controlled pain relief or live longer in pain ? Explain your rationale and reflect your thoughts on this .Also how would you support the family with this dilemma ? (100 words) The aim of palliative care is to maintain integrity and quality of client’s life while he/she is battling an incurable illness. Quality of life includes ensuring that the patient is comfortable and pain free. In this situation, providing education to the patient’s family is important by trying to make them understand the advantages as well as disadvantages of providing pain relief to the client. Providing terminally ill patients adequate pain relief is vital in the outcome of palliative care. 13. The care plan states that your patient is to have a shower every day at the family’s request .You are helping to get out of bed and she states â€Å" I don’t think I can shower today â€Å"You also note that she is short of breath. What is the appropriate response to this situation? What actions would you take? (50 words) I will assist the patient back in bed and elevate the head of bed to 45 degrees or higher then check her vital signs. In short, I will grant the patient’s wish of staying in bed and let the patient rest. If she prefers a bed bath because she’s not feeling well, then bed bath should be rendered. I will also assess her vital signs and neurological observations then inform the RN and the attending physician. How would you communicate these events to the patients family when they arrive ? Once the family arrives, we could inform them that the patient is not feeling well and is short of breath so she refused to be given a bath. Explain to them that vital signs were checked, attending physician has been informed of the situation, and appropriate intervention was already given. 14†¦Consider the following symptoms and list strategies you could use to implement to assist the client (150 words) Abdominal bloating and discomfort Moist gurgling respirations Reddened sacrum Dysphagia Opioid induced constipation Strategies include: Instruct client or family to avoid carbonated drinks and gas forming food such as cabbage and beans. Advise to chew slowly and not to eat too much food at once Inform the doctor about the condition for a medication to be ordered if not alleviated Maximising the client’s oxygenation through positioning the client upright Providing supplemental oxygen and maintaining patent airway through deep breathing exercises Suctioning if required Physiotherapy 15. Describe how you would respond to the following questions /request for information Why is he continuing to have pain when he is barely conscious? Although the client is barely conscious, it doesn’t mean that he is not in pain. The manifestations of pain could not only be appreciated through verbal or physical gestures but also through vital signs. Pain could cause the blood pressure to shoot up as well as the respiration and pulse rate. Why does her breathing sound so bad? The breathing is due to the decrease in oxygenation that causes the respirations to be rapid or slow, shallow and irregular. Breath sounds may become wet and noisy, which are due to the accumulation of mucus in the airways and the patient’s inability to expectorate their secretions due to muscle weakness and decreased gag reflex. How much longer will this go on for? (50 words) This kind of breathing will go on until the vital organs and systems stop  functioning. Generally, respiration ceases first. 16 . Palliative care can be challenging environment to work in. Discuss ways in which you could ensure you care for yourself and why this is so important It is important to maintain a healthy body & mind if you are to be working in such an environment as you are a key element of care to both the patient and their family. Ways to maintain your own health are to maintain a journal and to actively seek out and debrief or find a professional to discuss your personal concerns with. Fitness and physical activities or simple stretches and/or yoga or pilates sessions can also be just as beneficial as much as it is about your physical benefits it can also assist in relinquishing any built up stressors. 17†¦Mr J ones care plan states that he must have a blood transfusion if his HB falls below 8.0 .Hi test today shows 6.5 .He is short of breath and fatigued .As the RN leaves the room after informing Mr Jones that he is to have a transfusion he says that he does not want the transfusion and that he has had enough and just wants to die .What are your actions and response to this situation ? (50 words) As it is already established why he does not wish to receive the treatment I would simply discuss why the transfusion is done and how non invasive the process is and its benefits. However in saying this the situation presented is one where the patient is obviously in emotional distress. I would notify the RN, MO &/or Doctor. Depending upon the end resolve next of kin may also be notified should treatment cease so as they can be prepared for any outcome. In my scope I would notify & document. Provide education where needed and support the patient making referral to social services or identified individuals who have already had dealings with the patient on a faith or belief basis it may also be beneficial. The MO/Doctor will deem if the patient is of sound mind to make such decisions and/or discuss with the patients substitute decision maker/s. 18. .Access a local group or organization in your community and identify what resources the organization offers to patients and their families for  bereavement counselling ,education and support .How can clients access the information (50 words)? A good provider of a full range of services is the Salvation Army as being already well established they have an extensive knowledge base and well thought processes being implemented. Counseling and education is available over the phone 24/7 and can be useful for any circumstance from distress & grief to suicidal moments. They also offer face to face counceling and can cover a full topic range, along with those already mentioned they can also discuss and assist with finance, drug abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, youth issues and even hostel and aged care assistance. The salvation armies care line phone number nationally is 1300 36 36 22 19†¦Care of the body after death is a vital aspect of palliative care and is based on cultural and religious beliefs, which includes issues of organ donation ,post mortem and autopsy .Briefly provide some information on the above in regards to – The Jewish community ( 40 words ) From the time of death to the funeral the body is to always be accompanied and never alone. Jewish religious law also preserves the respect for the dead. These rites may include: Closing of eyes and mouth Applying clay over the eyelids Facing the body toward the door Placing the body on the floor for 20 minutes Placing the arms alongside the body rather than folded over the chest Purification of the body Wrapping the body in a white shroud and (for men) in a prayer shawl Customarily, only members of the same sex are permitted to touch the corpse These rituals may be facilitated by family members, the funeral home, and/or the Chevrah Kadish (burial society) Keeping with the Jewish laws of not mutilating a body autopsies and organ donations can also be prohibited but it has been known on occasion for organs to be donated to family members. – The Muslim community (40 words ) For those of Islam the process is quiet simple the body is to be bathed and  shrouded (3 pieces of cloth for men and 5 for women) and buried as soon as possible. In the meanwhile prays will be made and loved ones begin grieving and the mourning process over 3 days. The main points of interest is that the grave is to be aligned perpendicular to Mecca as for other burial traditions they vary between regions. Cremation is forbidden and organ donation is permissible generally as long as it is to save life. Autopsies are a grey area in that there is no religious decry but many would prefer not to as a quick burial is preferred however if it where for legal reasons it has been allowed. 20. Discuss three legal and ethical issues that are related to Palliative. Briefly discuss (80 words) Legal Issues: Currently under law and a part of all practitioners industry acts is to do no harm as I have discussed previously any practitioner under current legislation to participate in euthanasia would be tried for murder. I don’t agree with this personally and even more so that should the individual perform the duties themselves it would be considered suicide negating any legacy or insurances taken to look after their families as part of their comfort in knowing the family will be cared for. Ethically: I agree with the article (link above) in that humans do play god in most aspects of the anatomy and health care we provide interventions that would cease the natural course of any ailment, we preserve the life of those inflicted with chronic illnesses, we intervene in every aspect even without knowing the full course or purpose of the health issue in the first place. The results of intervention are starting to become clear in our society, reduced immunity, fragile and susceptible bodies I believe may only be the beginning what happens after a couple generations of this. Yet we will sit on our hands when the individual is left with no dignity, pride or human rights and wait for what could now almost be looked as The Miracle of Death. Did the gather hunters have it right back in the beginning? I think if I where void of all senses and only had very basic neurological activity and being kept alive for the sole purpose of viewing and an observation tool I think if I could speak I would speak of cruelty and probably win a court case for it.  Don’t get me wrong though, I am not pro euthanasia either however if we are to take a debate on that topic then why stop intervening in nature and playing god when it comes to end. 21. List some of the ways that you can manage the hydration and nutritional requirements of the client during the end of life stage (80 words ) A fluid balance chart, cardiovascular and visual observations of skin turgor, lips and mucousal linings would be a good indication for both hydration and nutrition. Depending how long the client has been in your care you may also be able to view changes in nails, hair and eyes these may also be good diagnostic tools and also ensure regular visits from the dietician and adherence to the plan. 22. Pain management is an important aspect of palliative care. Discuss six ways that pain symptoms can be managed without medication (50 words ) Any distraction can assist in removing the focus from pain. Massage can assist in relieving muscles, has a diversion and therapeutic effect also. Hot & cold packs, sleep, exercise, music, essential oils and simple stretches all can contribute in alleviating or reducing pain. 23 . List five barriers to effective pain management (30 words ) A barrier is as defined is anything that can restrict the patient from achieving an outcome. Given this as a starting point and making the target to be effective pain management or free of then the barriers are endless. They can range from family members to low medication supply through to increased resilience to medications or organ failure. Not to mention the individuals psyche emotion and physical state, they may manifest pain that doesn’t exist or they may be overly stressed causing pain to increase they may also be in blatant refusal of care, have fears, language & cultural differences, communication the barriers are endless and should I have a full education in multiple fields and endless time to study and read random information I’m sure there would be many others to add to the list. 24. List the five stages of dying according to Dr Kubler -Ross ( 10 words) The five stages of dying are  Denial- this is natural and defence mechanism where people may not accept the fact that they are dying or will die. Anger- Upon realisation of the situation to they may get frustrated and angry about their predicament, how and why it has happened. Bargaining- in this stage they realise that they are dying soon and pray for more time. Such phrases like ‘I’ll be a better person, father or Partner’ would be commonly heard. Depression- The person has accepted the fact and is sad about the fact they are dying. They have realised the ultimatum and may have regret over past choices or behaviours and can do nothing about it. Acceptance- People realise that they are dying and finally accept it and have come to a kind of peace with the situation. CASE STUDY # 2 Using this case study Outline some nursing interventions that demonstrate applying a palliative care approach using the following headings (150 words) – Spiritual: Patient in a palliative care often spend their time praying and they become closer to God as they get old. Always respect the patient’s beliefs and values. If the patient is praying do no interrupt him and to the procedures when he is finished praying. Ask him if he want a priest to visit him and give him some prays. Always know the patient’s religion and his beliefs to avoid conflict on giving care – Comfort: The main goal of the palliative care is to give provide comfort to the patient. Always ask the patient how they are feeling or if they need some help. Simple chat with the patient makes them comfort, a simple questions like â€Å"How are you?† can make them feel special and they might think there is still someone who cares to them. Giving what patient’s need and attend to those needs makes the patient feels comfortable. – Legal: Patient at this stage have their Advance Health Directives, it is a legal document for that the patient did for his future treatment and must be implemented. Always provide patient’s autonomy. We as EEN must always maintain confidentiality and privacy of the patient. – Pain management: Pain assessment is important for management of the pain. We must always assess the patient’s pain and must have intervention to the pain not only in a pharmacological way but also in a non-pharmacological way because some of the patient cannot take too much medicines. Always ask the patient how are they and report to us if they feel any pain. – Elimination bowel and urinary: At this time patient’s elimination changed unlike before, some of the patient are incontinent of urine and faeces due to deterioration of the body. Make sure to educate the patient about normal aging that incontinence is a normal process of aging. We must monitor their Input and Output and document it on a Fluid Balance Chart if necessary. If the patient is constipated encourage them to increase fibre in diet and have some exercise. Assist the patient always in the toilet early in the morning and use toilet chair if necessary. – Skin Integrity: As the patient goes old, their skin becomes dry and fragile. Encourage the patient to use lotion or moisturiser on their skin so that their skin will not be dry. Prevent the patient to have pressure areas by repositioning the patient to different sides every 4 hours. Assess the skin for pressure areas and put some cream on those areas. Document any abnormalities to patient’s skin such as redness and bruise. – Mobility: Provide patient independence on their care to promote range of motion. Refer patient to physiotherapist if necessary. Encourage the patient to exercise daily. If the patient have mobility aids educate the patient on how to use it properly. – Mental health physiological support: Patients at this point becomes depressed and feels alone. Always provide communication to the patient using therapeutic and non- therapeutic approach. Always talk to the patient or ask the family to visit the patient. Describe how you could improve the room and environment for Alexander (100 words) Ask the children to bring pictures of themselves and the parents to  bring in any items they think would make the room more comfortable but allow Alexander to decide if they stay†¦ Greenery never hurts and/or a fresh breeze through the window and perhaps a couple science orientated magazines on the side table to peak his curiosity as if you do a trade long enough you will always have a professional interest whether you want it or not. Reference: Crisp, J, Taylor, C, Douglas, C & Rebeiro, G 2013, Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing 4th Ed. Elsevier Mosby, Sydney. Brown, D., & Edwards, H. (2012). Lewis’s Medical Surgical Nursing (3rd ed.). Sydney, Australia: Mosby, Elsevier Department of Attorney General 2014, Advance Health Directives, viewed 10 September 2014, End of life Care Network, Life limiting illness, 2011, Viewed on 09 September 2014 Hibbert C 2014, Dealing with grief:The 5 Stages of Grief, viewed 10 September 2014, O’Connor, M & Aranda, S 2003, Palliative Care Nursing – A Guide to Practice 2nd Ed. Ausmed Publications, Melbourne. NSW Board of Jewish Education 2012, Autopsy, Transplantation, Insemination and abortion, viewed 10 September 2014, Palliative Care Council, What is Palliative Care, 2012, Viewed on 09 September 2014 Tasmania Department of Health and Human Services 2013, Palliative Care Team, viewed 10 September 2014, World Health Organisation 2014, WHO definition of Palliative Care, viewed 10 September 2014,

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Embedded system

AbstractionAn Embedded system has become indispensable in our lifes: autos, airplanes, powerplant control systems, telecommunications systems, all contain digital calculating systems with dedicated functionality. Most of them are real-time systems which response to their seasonableness restraints. The seasonableness demand has to run into under influence of unpredictable stochastic behaviour of the system. In this thesis we address stochastic undertaking executing times. In programming of undertakings in real-time systems, it is normally assumed that the undertakings consume their WCET in every supplication. This is a pessimistic premise that is made in order to vouch difficult real-time public presentation. However ; there exist real-time systems that have soft existent clip restraints. The benefit of loosen uping the premises is that more systems are schedulable and, more significantly, systems with a higher burden is schedulable.The end of the undertaking is to:* Implementing Stochastic WCET and the least slack foremost scheduling algorithm in a real-time system simulator. * Experiments should be performed in order to look into by experimentation the benefits in footings of figure of schedulable systems utilizing stochastic wcets compared to utilizing fixed wcets. The consequences show the public presentation and the advantage gained by least slack foremost scheduling algorithm which has lowest possible slack clip.Key wordsRTOS, Simulation, Tasks, Response clip, Worst instance response clip, worst instance executing clip.three Sammanfattningbegreppen Baddat in systemen har bli oumbarlig I var livsform: bil, flygmaskinerna powerplant kontroll systemen telecommuncations systemen, de all innehalla digital arbete med computing machine systemen med hangiven funktionellitet. Hogst portents dem de/vi/du/ni ar verklig – tid systemen vilken svaren till deras timeliness tvangen. Och den har seasonableness behoven har till bli nagot oforutsedd stochastic beteende om system. I denne teorien six adress plattform – beroende stochastic arbetsuppgift utforanden tiden. I planlage av uppgiften I verklig – tid systemen, den Er vanligtvis anta sa base on balls uppgiften fortara lair wcet I varje akallan. Den har Er en pessimistisk antaganden lair dar Er gjord for att garanti hard verklig – tid utforande. Hur†¦ an ; dar finnas verklig – tid systemen sa base on balls har mjuk verklig tid tvangen. Formanen av slappa antagandena Er det elevation mer systemen de/vi/du/ni ar schedulable och, mer viktigt, systemen med en hoger lasta ar schedulable. Malet om projekt ar boulder clay: * Stochastic wcet och lair minst slo forsta planlage algoritmen i en verklig – tid system simulanten. * Experimentera skulle bli utfort for att undersoka experimental lair formanen one termen av antal Ab schedulable systemen anvandande stochastic wcets jamforde med anvandande fastad wcets. Den resultaten utstallning utforanden och fordelen vinna vid minst slo forsta planlage algoritmen vilken har lagst mullig slo tid.List of AbbreviationsPTDA — – } Probabilistic clip demand analysis. STDA — – } Stochastic clip demand analysis. EP — – } Execution profile SN — – } Switch overing figureChapter 1IntroductionThis chapter gives the motive for the work done in this thesis in subdivision 1.1, and so aims in subdivision 1.2, and construction of the thesis in subdivision MotivationEmbedded systems have become common usage in our life: family contraptions, autos, aeroplanes, power works control systems, medical equipment, telecommunication systems, infinite engineering, they all contain digital calculating systems with dedicated functionality. Most of them, if non all, are real-time systems, i.e. their responses to stimulations have timeliness restraints. The seasonableness demand has to be met despite some unpredictable, stochastic behaviour of the system.1.2 ObjectiveThe chief aim of this thesis is to develop 1. Implementing stochastic wcet and the least slack foremost scheduling algorithm in a real-time system simulator. 2. Experiments should be performed in order to look into by experimentation the benefits in footings of figure of schedulable systems utilizing stochastic wcets compared to utilizing fixed wcets. 3. Get trained in utilizing Research methodological analysis for work outing a province of art job in an country of import for the Masters plan. 4. Understand how the work is expected to be documented and pattern it in composing a Masters thesis.1.3 Thesis OutlineChapter 2, describes the theoretical background about the stochastic behavior of real-time systems and least slack foremost scheduling algorithm. Chapter 3, outlines the job preparation. Chapter 4, describes the solution. Chapter 5, demonstrates the rating of the simulation. Chapter 6, shows the related plants. Chapter 7, follows decisions from the consequences obtained.Chapter 2BackgroundThis chapter introduces basic constructs and notations needed for understanding the balance of the thesis. Section 2.1 presents the chief constructs of real-time and embedded systems. Section 2.2 presents the constructs of least slack first algorithm and their types.2.1 Real-time and Embedded Systems2.1.1 RTOSReal-time Operating System, an operating system designed to be used in existent clip systems. A Real clip systems has been defined as Any information processing activity or system which has to react to externally generated input stimulations within a finite and specified hold. The basic features of a real-time systems or embedded computing machine systems have been considered. They were: 1. Breadth and complexness 2. Manipulation of existent Numberss 3. Real-time control. 4. Efficient execution. 5. Extreme dependability and safety. Systems, in which the rightness of their operation is defined non merely in footings of functionality but besides in footings of seasonableness, organize the category of real-time systems. Hard Real clip systems: Seasonableness demands may be difficult significance that the misdemeanor of any such demand is non tolerated. In a difficult real-time system, if non all deadlines are guaranteed to be met, the system is said to be unschedulable. To understand, design, predict, and analyze safety critical applications such as works control and aircraft control, hence the community focused on difficult existent clip systems, where interrupting seasonableness demands are non tolerated. The analysis of such system gives a yes/no reply to the inquiry if the system fulfils the seasonableness demands. Hard existent clip analysis relies on constructing worst-case scenarios. Hard existent clip analysis can non afford but to presume that worst instance scenarios ever go on and to proviso for these instances. This attack is the lone one applicable for the category of safety critical embedded systems, even if really frequently leads to important under use of resources. Soft Real clip systems: Systems classified as soft real-time may on occasion interrupt a real-time demand provided that the service quality exceeds prescribed degrees. The nature of real-time embedded system is typically heterogenous along multiple dimensions. For illustration, an application may exhibit informations, control and protocol processing features. It may besides dwell of blocks exhibiting different classs of seasonableness demands, such as difficult and soft. In the instance of soft real-time systems nevertheless, the analysis provides fittingness estimations, such as steps of the grade to which a system is schedulable, instead than binary categorizations.2.1.2 SimulationSimulation is a method which can be used for analysis of response clip. When we are utilizing simulation, a elaborate theoretical account of the system is executed in imitating a system before it is implemented helps cut downing hazards of failure.2.1.3 UndertakingsA procedure in a existent clip system normally with some deadline and a period.2.1.4 Response clipThe clip in which system gives end product after taking input.2.1.5 Worst instance response clipThe maximal possible response clip of a undertaking.2.1.6 Worst instance executing clip ( WCET )The longest possible executing clip of the undertaking. Stochastic theoretical account uses in: It improves schedulability of undertakings compared to presuming their executing times are ever equal to their wcets. It uses good known Techniques of Deterministic Analysis, such as barricading in shared resources, undertaking precedence assignment.2.2 Least slack foremost Scheduling Algorithm:Least Slack Time programming is a Scheduling algorithm. It assigns precedence based on the slack clip of a procedure. It is besides known as Least Laxity First and most common usage is in embedded systems, particularly those with multiple processors.2.2.1 Slack clipThis programming algorithm first selects those procedures that have the smallest â€Å" loose clip † . Slack clip is defined as the temporal difference between the absolute deadline, the ready clip and the tally clip. More officially, the slack clip for a procedure is defined as: ( d – T ) – degree Celsius ‘ Where, vitamin D is the procedure deadline T is the existent clip since the rhythm start degree Celsius ‘ is the staying calculation clip. It ‘s Suitable in: LST programming is most utile in systems consisting chiefly nonperiodic undertakings, because no anterior premises are made on the events ‘ rate of happening. The chief failing of LST is that it does non look in front, and works merely on the current system province. Therefore, during a brief overload of system resources, LST can be sub-optimal and it will besides be suboptimal when used with uninterruptible procedures. It is optimum in: 1. Processor pre-emption is allowed. 2. No contention for resources. 3. Single processor. 4. Arbitrary release times. 5. Arbitrary deadlines.2.2.2 Related plants on LSTWhen an algorithm contains same least loose clip, it causes tonss of unneeded exchanging so bad public presentation will be at that place, so to curtail that we use least slack first to a great extent. LSF scheduling algorithm implemented by threshold ; a fresh Dynamic Fuzzy Threshold Based least Slack First ( DFTLSF ) scheduling algorithm is presented. DFTLSF algorithm uses the lingual set ( uncountable set ) to depict the period and the slack clip which contains unsure characters. The threshold coefficient gotten by fuzzy regulations assigns the threshold of the running undertaking dynamically. Any one who wants to preempt this undertaking must hold the smaller slack clip than the threshold. The consequences of the simulations show that, comparing to the traditional LSF Algorithm, the exchanging figure ( SN ) is much smaller2.2.2.1 DFTLSF Fuzzy Threshold:Two characters are considered to judge the precedence of a undertaking in DFTLSF: 1. Slack Time. 2. Threshold. The most of import of the undertaking to the system is, The little coefficient consequences in the little threshold which causes the difficult pre-emption by other undertakings. Once the undertaking gets the CPU, its slack clip reduces to its pre-emption threshold degree which is computed. It wo n't acquire back until the undertaking is done or the undertaking is preempted by another undertaking. The algorithm integrates the advantages of the pre-emption scheduling algorithm and the non-preemption 1. It consequences in a double precedence system that is good for the undertakings put to deathing successfully and cut downing the exchanging figure. The method makes the agenda and the pre-emption flexible and sensible harmonizing to the state of affairs the undertaking faces. When the threshold coefficient is 0, the algorithm is the method becomes the LSF while the threshold coefficient gets its biggest one which is 1.Scheduling scheme:In DFTLSF scheduling algorithm, the dynamic fuzzed threshold coefficient is proposed. It improves the schedulability by adding a fuzzed threshold coefficient. To look for the threshold coefficient, some fuzzy regulations are made ; the threshold coefficient is used for the running undertakings in the system. It is compared with other undertakings loose clip to make up one's mind which one to run foremost. It decreases the switching figure among undertakings when the slack clip of the undertakings is about the same. As a consequence, it avoids the walloping ( trading ) in the system and improves the schedulability. Another betterment is the critical value of loose clip. It is introduced into the system to guarantee the undertakings which are about finished ca n't be preempted by other undertakings. Least Laxity First Scheduling:This can be a coprocessor capable of implementing dynamic programming algorithms which are, until now seldom used because of their complex calculations at agenda clip. LLF is an optimum programming methodological analysis that allows sensing of clip restraint misdemeanors in front of making a tasks deadline, but has the disadvantage of demoing hapless runtime behaviour in some particular state of affairss ( â€Å"thrashing† ) The Least-Laxity-First algorithm ( LLF ) is a dynamic programming method, i.e. it makes the determination about which undertaking to put to death following at schedule clip. Another great advantage of the Least-Laxity-First algorithm is the fact that except schedulability proving no farther analysis, e.g. for delegating fixed precedences to the undertakings, has to be done at development clip. Furthermore, Least-Laxity-First shows hapless public presentation in state of affairss in which more than one undertaking have the smallest slack. Enhanced Least Laxity First Scheduling:This algorithm preserves all advantages of LLF while bettering the tally clip behaviour by cut downing the figure of context switches. Calculation clip of this device is instead a affair of clip declaration than of the figure of undertakings. This is of high importance as LLF in certain state of affairss causes a large figure of unneeded context switches that can dramatically increase operating system operating expense. ELLF algorithm represents a inactive programming coprocessor, i.e. the device determines the undertaking to be executed next merely after an external start signal. The purpose of this betterment is to guarantee that in a state of affairs when some undertakings would usually get down to thresh, they are executed consecutively without preempting each other. This can non be done by merely doing the whole system temporarily Non-preemptive. With such a non-preemptive LLF-algorithm, undertakings may lose their deadlines.Advantages of Enhanced Least-Laxity- First Scheduling:1. It responses the clip analysis of threshing undertakings. 2. Number of Context Switches. Modified Least Laxity First Scheduling:A Modified Least-Laxity-First ( MLLF ) scheduling algorithm is to work out the frequent context switches job of the LLF programming algorithm. The MLLF programming algorithm allows the laxness inversion where a undertaking with the least laxness may non be scheduled instantly. If the laxity-tie occurs, MLLF scheduling algorithm allows the running undertaking to run with no pre-emption every bit far as the deadlines of other undertakings are non missed. Laxity Inversion Duration at clip T is the continuance that the current running undertaking can go on running with no loss in schedulability even if there exist a undertaking ( or undertakings ) whose laxness is smaller than the current running undertaking. Hence, MLLF scheduling algorithm avoids the debasement of systems public presentation.Chapter 3Problem FormulationSince the application sphere of this thesis is embedded systems, this chapter starts in subdivision 3.1 with a treatment on the bing programming algorithms based on Real clip systems. Section 3.2 presents the demand of Least Slack First Scheduling Algorithm in stochastic wcet.3.1 Scheduling Algorithms in Real-time SystemsFor a given set of occupations, the general programming jobs asks for an order harmonizing to which the occupations are to be executed by fulfilling with assorted restraints. Typically, a occupation is characterised by its executing clip, ready clip, deadline, and resource demands. The executing of a occupation may or may non be interrupted over a set of occupations and there is a precedency relation which constraints the order of the executing, particularly with the executing of a occupation can non get down until the executing of all its predecessors is completed.Types of Real-Time SchedulingFor illustration the systems on which the occupations are to be executed is characterised by the sum of resources available [ 22, 59, 30, 32, 27, 12 ] . The undermentioned ends should be considered in scheduling a real-time system: [ 30, 32, 27 ] . * Meeting the timing restraints of the system * Preventing coincident entree to shred resources and devices. * Achieving a high grade of use while fulfilling the timing restraints of the system. * Reducing the cost of context switches caused by pre-emption. * Reducing the communicating cost in real-time distributed systems. In add-on, the undermentioned points are desired in advanced real-time systems: * Sing a combination of difficult, and soft existent clip system activities, which implies the possibility of using dynamic programming policies that respect to the optimality standards. * Task programming of using dynamic programming policies that respect the optimality standards. * Covering dependability, security, and safety. Basically, the programming job is to find a agenda for the executing of the occupations so that they are all completed before the overall deadline [ 22, 59, 30, 32, 27, 12 ] . Given a real-time system, the appropriate programming attack should be designed based on the belongingss of the system and the undertakings happening in it. These belongingss are as follows [ 22, 59, 30, 32 ] : _ Soft/Hard/Firm real-time undertakings The real-time undertakings are classified as difficult, soft and steadfast real-time undertakings. Periodic/Aperiodic/Sporadic undertakings Periodic undertakings are real-time undertakings which are activated ( released ) on a regular basis at fixed rates ( periods ) . Normally, periodic undertakings have a restraint which indicates that cases of them must put to death one time per period. Aperiodic undertakings are real-time undertakings which are activated irregularly at some unknown and perchance boundless rate. The clip restraint is normally a deadline. Sporadic undertakings are real-time undertakings which are activated irregularly with some known bounded rate. The delimited rate is characterized by a minimal inter-arrival period, that is, a minimal interval of clip between two consecutive activations. The clip restraint is normally a deadline. An nonperiodic undertaking has a deadline by which it must get down or complete, or it may hold a restraint on both start and finish times. In the instance of a periodic undertaking, a period means one time per period or precisely units apart. A bulk of centripetal processing is periodic in nature. For illustration, a radio detection and ranging that tracks flights produces informations at a fixed rate [ 32, 29, 27, 12 ] . _ Preemptive/Non-preemptive undertakings In some real-time programming algorithms, a undertaking can be preempted if another undertaking of higher precedence becomes ready. In contrast, the executing of a non-preemptive undertaking should be completed without break, once it is started [ 32, 30, 27, 12 ] ._ Multiprocessor/Single processor systems The figure of the available processors is one of the chief factors in make up one's minding how to Agenda a real-time system. In multiprocessor real-time systems, the scheduling algorithms should forestall coincident entree to shared resources and devices. Additionally, the best scheme to cut down the communicating cost should be provided [ 32, 27 ] . Fixed/Dynamic precedence undertakings In precedence driven programming, a precedence is assigned to each undertaking. Delegating the precedences can be done statically or dynamically while the system is running [ 22, 59, 30, 32, 12 ] . _Flexible/Static systems For scheduling a real-time system, we need to hold adequate information, such as deadline, minimal hold, maximal hold, run-time, and worst instance executing clip of each undertaking. A bulk of systems assume that much of this information is available a priori and, hence, are based on inactive design. However, some of the real-time systems are designed to be dynamic and flexible [ 22, 59, 30, 32, 12 ] . _ Independent/Dependent undertakings Given a real-time system, a undertaking that is traveling to get down executing may necessitate to have the information provided by another undertaking of the system. Therefore, executing of a undertaking should be started after completing the executing of the other undertaking. This is the construct of dependence.3.2 Implementing Least Slack First in stochastic behaviour:The laxness of a procedure is defined as the deadline subtraction staying calculation clip. In other words, the laxness of a occupation is the maximum sum of clip that the occupation can wait and still run into its deadline. The algorithm gives the highest precedence to the active occupation with the smallest laxness. Then the occupation with the highest precedence is executed. While a procedure is put to deathing, it can be preempted by another whose laxness has decreased to below that of the running procedure. A job arises with this strategy when two procedures have similar laxnesss. One procedure will run for a short piece and so acquire preempted by the other and frailty versa. Thus, many context switches occur in the life-time of the procedures. The least laxness foremost algorithm is an optimum programming algorithm for systems with periodic real-time undertakings. If each clip a new ready undertaking arrives ; it is inserted into a waiting line of ready undertakings, sorted by their laxnesss. In this instance, the worst instance clip complexness of the LLF algorithm is where the entire figure of the petitions in each hyper-period of periodic undertakings in the system and is the figure of nonperiodic undertakings. vitamin E The executing clip of a undertaking depends on application dependant, platform dependant, and environment dependent factors. The sum of input informations to be processed in each undertaking instantiation every bit good as its type ( pattern, constellation ) are application dependent factors. The type of treating unit that executes a undertaking is a platform dependent factor act uponing the undertaking executing clip. If the clip needed for communicating with the environment is to be considered as a portion of the executing clip, so web burden is an illustration of an environmental factor act uponing the undertaking executing clip.Execution clip chance denseness mapshows the executing clip probability denseness of such a undertaking. An attack based on a worst instance executing clip theoretical account would implement the undertaking on an expensive system which guarantees the imposed deadline for the worst instance state of affairs. This state of affairs nevertheless will happen w ith a really little chance. If the nature of the system is such that a certain per centum of deadline girls is low-cost, a cheaper system, which still fulfills the imposed quality of service, can be designed. For illustration, such a cheaper a system would be one that would vouch the deadlines if the executing clip of the undertaking did non transcend a clip minute t. It can be seen from the, that there is a low chance that the undertaking executing clip exceeds Ts and hence, losing a deadline is a rare event taking to an acceptable service quality.Chapter 4Design and ExecutionThis chapter presents the design and execution of stochastic wcet and LSF scheduling algorithm in subdivision 4.1 severally.4.1 Design of Least Slack First Algorithm:Difficult real-time programming can be thought of as an issue for embedded systems where the sum of clip to finish each explosion is capable to these parametric quantities: Sum of work ( W ) , sum of slack clip ( S ) Assume that the Numberss are specified in footings of processor ticks ( timer interrupts ) . The deadline ( D ) is the amount of W + S, i.e. , slack clip exactly represents the sum of clip which in which the procedure can be preempted while finishing its explosion in order to accomplish the deadline. When a figure of procedures are trying to accomplish their deadlines the undermentioned calculation takes topographic point at each tick ( 1 ) : — W ; // for the current running procedure — Second ; // for all procedures on the ready waiting line Namely, the running procedure has completed another tick of work towards its deadline and the others have one less tick of slack clip available. In scheduling algorithms we imagine for such a system would non be time-sharing, but would be priority-based, where the precedence is measured by some sense of urgency towards finishing the deadlines. Least Slack First ( LSF ) : when a procedure completes a explosion or a new one becomes ready, schedule the procedure whose value S is the smallest. Or, it can concentrate on completing of the overall deadline. Both represent sensible impressions of fulfilling procedure urgency. Here is a simple illustration which illustrates the differing behaviour: Process idle clip explosion — — — – — — — — – — — – A 0 ( W=10, S=8 ) B 3 ( W=3, S=11 ) C 5 ( W=3, S=6 ) Using the LSF algorithm, we would finish these explosions as follows: Time run ready — — — – — — – 0 A ( 10,8 ) ( ) 3 A ( 7,8 ) ( B ( 3,11 ) ) 5 C ( 3,6 ) ( A ( 5,8 ) , B ( 3,9 ) ) 8 A ( 5,5 ) ( B ( 3,6 ) ) 13 B ( 3,1 ) ( ) 16 — – Based on the above illustration the codification has been generated and account for the above illustration: Iteration 1: At clip 0 A will be ( 10, 8 ) Where as 10 is W ( current running procedure ) , 8 is S ( ready waiting line ) . Iteration 2: At clip 3 We have 2 phases: 1. Run phase: At this phase the procedure A will ( 7, 8 ) because For 7: W – idle clip 8: ready waiting line 2. Ready phase: At this phase the procedure B will ( 3, 11 ) because For 3: idle clip 11: ready waiting line Iteration 3: At clip 5 Same as like Iteration 2 here besides we have 2 phases 1. Run phase: At this phase the procedure C will ( 3, 6 ) because For 3: idle clip 6: ready waiting line 2. Ready phase: Procedure A will be ( 5, 8 ) and B will be ( 3, 9 ) For 5: 10-5 i.e. W – idle clip 8: ready waiting line For B: 3: idle clip 9: W+S+idletime – idle clip – idle clip Iteration 4: At clip 8 In Run phase A will be ( 5, 5 ) Because one rhythm is executed so A ready waiting line will be minimized by 3 In Run phase B will be ( 3, 6 ) 6: W-idle clip -idle clip There will be a context switches. Iteration 5: At clip 13 In tally phase B ( 3, 1 ) 1: ready waiting line of loop 3 -idle clip.4.1.1Comparing of Slack undertakings:To compare loose undertakings in LSF with different conditions the codification has been written. if ( slackLeftT1 & lt ; slackLeftT2 ) { return -1 ; } if ( slackLeftT2==slackLeftT1 ) { return 0 ; } if ( slackLeftT2 & lt ; slackLeftT1 ) { return 1 ; } return 0 ; } }4.1.2Implementation of Execution times:In an existent executing clip, the executing block consumes a â€Å" guessed † executing clip that the scheduler is utilizing in its programming determinations. In the map executing, the category Computation demand to utilize the existent executing. In the LSF comparator we must do certain the â€Å" guessed † executing clip is being used. Lashkar-e-taibas denote the existent executing clip as C_to_be_executed_time and it is a data member of the category Computation. this.C_to_be_executed_time = distr.sample ( ) ; // clip that will be consumed by the executing block Let ‘s denote the â€Å" guessed † executing clip as C and it is besides a data member of the category Computation. this.C = distr.sample ( ) ; // Assumed WCET to be used by LSF scheduler We must now guarantee that the execute method consumes C_to_be_executed_time clip units and the LSF comparator uses C. Further, guaranting the executing times that are assigned in the builder of Computation category prevarication in the scope of 0 and some positive upper edge.4.1.3Implementation for scheduling periodic undertakings and work load:The below codification reference to implements the periodic undertakings. Periodic p1 = new Periodic ( 0,31, 0, â€Å" T1 † ) ; p1.installConditionedComputation ( new Computation ( new Normal ( 10,5 ) , p1 ) ) ; The work load can be calculated by, Workload = max executing time/ period clip.Chapter 5Evaluation of SimulationThis chapter describes the public presentation rating of the simulator. Section 5.1 presents the simulator foundation, while in subdivision 5.25.1 Eclipse and the Eclipse FoundationEclipse is an unfastened beginning community ; undertakings are focused on constructing an unfastened development platform comprised of extensile models, tools and runtimes for edifice, deploying and pull offing package across the lifecycle. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the Eclipse undertakings and helps cultivate both an unfastened beginning community and an ecosystem of complementary merchandises and services. The Eclipse Project was originally created by IBM in November 2001 and supported by a pool of package sellers. The Eclipse Foundation was created in January 2004 as an independent not-for-profit corporation to move as the steward of the Eclipse community. The independent not-for-profit corporation was created to let a seller impersonal and unfastened, crystalline community to be established around Eclipse. Today, the Eclipse community consists of persons and organisations from a cross subdivision of the package industry. In general, the Eclipse Foundation provides four services to the Eclipse community: 1 ) IT Infrastructure. 2 ) IP Management. 3 ) Development Process and, 4 ) Ecosystem Development. Full-time staffs are associated with each of these countries and work with the greater Eclipse community to help in run intoing the demands of the stakeholders. Eclipse – an unfastened development platform Eclipse is an unfastened beginning community ; undertakings are focused on constructing an unfastened development platform comprised of extensile models, tools and runtimes for edifice, deploying and pull offing package across the lifecycle. A big and vivacious ecosystem of major engineering sellers, advanced start-ups, universities, research establishments and persons extend, complement and back up the Eclipse platform. Used for 1. Enterprise Development. 2. Mobile + Device development. 3. Application model, linguistic communication ide. Eclipse Undertakings Eclipse is a aggregation of unfastened beginning undertakings built on the Equinox OSGi run-time. Eclipse started as a Java IDE, but has since grown to be much, much more. Eclipse undertakings now cover inactive and dynamic linguistic communications ; thick-client, thin-client, and server-side models ; patterning and concern coverage ; embedded and nomadic systems.5.2 simulator apparatus:On a high degree, the simulator simulates a computing machine system by utilizing objects that encapsulate different functionality and make up one's mind on parametric quantities on the objects. The undermentioned categories are of import: 1.ComputerSystem: c.add ( central processing unit ) ; 2.CPU: A CPU that is bound to the computing machine system DataDependencyGraph g = new DataDependencyGraph ( ) ;g.insertData ( 1, 0, 0 ) ;g.insertData ( 2, 0, 0 ) ;g.insertData ( 3, 0, 0 ) ;A information dependence graph that describes informations points in the system and their relationship. Think of the relationships a borders between nodes in a directed acyclic graph. Constructs a information dependence graph of three informations points. These informations points have no relationships. 3. ConditionedExecution: At least one learned executing that is bound to a undertaking. Periodic p1 = new Periodic ( 0, 100, 0, â€Å" T1 † ) ;p1.installConditionedComputation ( new IfTime ( 1, 10, 1, p1, g ) ) ;p1.installConditionedComputation ( new Computation ( 10, p1 ) ) ; Periodic p2 = new Periodic ( 0, 200, 0, â€Å" T2 † ) ;p2.installConditionedComputation ( new IfTime ( 1, 10, 1, p2, g ) ) ;p2.installConditionedComputation ( new Computation ( 10, p2 ) ) ; Periodic p3 = new Periodic ( 0, 103, 0, â€Å" T3 † ) ;p3.installConditionedComputation ( new IfTime ( 2, 10, 1, p3, g ) ) ;p3.installConditionedComputation ( new Computation ( 10, p3 ) ) ;Concepts three periodic undertakings. Each undertaking has two conditioned executings that execute in the order they are bound to the undertaking. 4.Tasks: At least one undertaking that is bound to a CPU. Vector & lt ; CPU & gt ; c = new Vector & lt ; CPU & gt ; ( ) ;CPU central processing unit = new CPU ( new WinOverSlack ( ) ) ;cpu.installTask ( p1 ) ;cpu.installTask ( p2 ) ;cpu.installTask ( p3 ) ;Instantiates a CPU and bounds the undertakings to the CPU. 5.Events: At least one information point that may be used by an executing ComputerSystem cs = new ComputerSystem ( degree Celsius, hint ) ;cs.eventLoop ( 10000 ) ;Concepts a computing machine system and bounds the array of CPUs to it. The method eventLoop starts the simulation and the simulation coatings when it reaches clip point 10000. 6.Trace: Trace hint = new Trace ( new OutputStreamWriter ( System.out ) ) ;Instantiates a hint where the end product of the simulation will be written. This hint writes to standard end product, which makes the end product to look in the console in Eclipse. In simulation, I used stochastic executing times on a sort of learned executing that is bound to a undertaking. This means that every clip the learned executingexecutes it consumes different sums of clip. Therefore, when an case of a undertaking starts we can take a conjecture how much clip it will devour. The system uses LSF that use the guessed executing clip.End product:Chapter 6This chapter focuses on alternate attacks and related research works viz. stochastic undertaking executing times. Hence, in the below subdivision we discussed related plants on stochastic worst instance executing times.Related plantsSome of the related work in stochastic undertaking executing times: Burns et Al. : [ BPSW99 ] addresses the job of a system by interrupting its seasonableness demands due to transeunt mistakes. In this instance, the executing clip variableness stems from undertaking re-executions and the shortest interval between two mistake happening such that no undertaking exceeds its deadline and is determined by sensitiveness analysis. The chance that the system exceeds its deadline is given by the chance that faults occurs at a faster rate than the tolerated one. Broster et Al. : [ BBRN02 ] Determines the response clip of a undertaking ; it re-executes K  º N times due to mistakes in order to obtain the chance distribution of the response clip, and it compute the chance of the event that K mistakes occur. The mistake happening procedure is assumed to be a poisson procedure in both of the cited plants. But Burns et Al. : Extend broster ‘s attack by adding statistical dependences among executing times. His attack are applicable to systems with sporadic undertakings, which are unsuited for the finding of undertaking deadline miss chances of undertakings with generalised executing clip chance distributions, and besides confined to sets which are independent undertakings implemented by utilizing monoprocessor systems. Bernat et Al. : [ BCP02 ] Address different job which determines the frequence with which a individual undertaking executes for a peculiar sum of clip, called executing clip profile and this was performed by based on the executing clip profiles of the basic blocks of the undertaking. The strength of this attack is that they consider statistical dependences among the executing clip profiles of the basic blocks. But nevertheless, this attack would be hard to widen to the deadline miss ratio analysis of multi-task systems because of the complex interleaving with the features of undertaking executings in such environments. Atlas and Bestavros: [ AB98 ] extends the classical rate monotone programming policy with an entree accountant in order to manage undertakings with stochastic executing times. It analyses the quality of the service of the ensuing agenda and its dependance on the entree control parametric quantities. The attack is limited to monoprocessor systems, rate monotone analysis and assumes the presence of an admittance accountant at run-time. Abeni and Buttazzo ‘s [ AB99 ] work addresses both programming and public presentation analysis of undertakings with stochastic parametric quantities. It focuses on how to schedule both difficult and soft real-time undertakings on the same processor, in such a manner that the difficult 1s are non disturbed by ill-behaved soft undertakings. Tia et Al. [ TDS95 ] presume a undertaking theoretical account composed of independent undertakings. There are two methods for public presentation analysis they were, one of them is merely an estimation and is demonstrated to be excessively optimistic. In the 2nd method, a soft undertaking is transformed into a deterministic undertaking and a sporadic 1. The sporadic undertakings are handled by a waiter policy. The analysis is carried out on this peculiar theoretical account. Gardner et Al, [ GAR99, GL99 ] in their stochastic clip demand analysis, present worst-case scenarios with regard to task release times in order to calculate a lower edge for the chance that occupation meets its deadline. It does n't incorporate informations dependences among undertakings and applications implemented on multiprocessors. Zhou et Al. and Hu et Al. [ ZHS99, HZS01 ] root their work in Tia's. , they do non mean to give per-task warrants, but characterize the fittingness of the full undertaking set. Because they consider all possible combinations of executing times of all petitions up to a clip minute, the analysis can be applied merely to little undertaking sets due to complexness grounds. De Verciana et Al. [ BPSW99 ] address a different type of job. Having a undertaking graph and an imposed deadline, its end is to find the way that has the highest chance to go against the deadline. In this instance, the job is reduced to a non-linear optimisation job by utilizing an estimate of the whirl of the chance densenesss. Diaz et Al. [ DJG00 ] derives the expected deadline miss ratio from the chance distribution map of the response clip of a undertaking. The response clip is computed based on the system-level backlog at the beginning of each hyper period, i.e. the residuary executing times of the occupations at those clip minutes. The stochastic procedure of the system-level backlog is Morkovian and its stationary solution can be computed. It contains sets of independent undertakings and the undertaking executing times may presume values merely over distinct sets. In this attack, complexness is mastered by paring the passage chance matrix of the implicit in Markov concatenation or by deploying iterative methods, both at the disbursal of consequence truth. Kalavade and Moghe [ KM98 ] see undertaking graphs where the undertaking executing times are randomly distributed over distinct sets. Their analysis is based on Markovian stochastic procedures excessively. Each province in the procedure is characterized by the executed clip and lead-time. The analysis is performed by work outing a system of additive equations. Because the executing clip is allowed to take merely a finite ( most probably little ) figure of values, such a set of equations is little. Kim and shin [ KS96 ] see applications that are implemented on multiprocessors and modeled them as line uping webs. It restricts the undertaking executing times to exponentially distributed 1s, which reduces the complexness of the analysis. The undertakings were considered to be scheduled harmonizing to a peculiar policy, viz. first-come-first-served ( FCFS ) .Chapter 7Conclusion & A ; Future worksThis chapter gives decisions in subdivision 7.1 and discusses issues for the future work in subdivision 7.27.1 DrumheadNow a yearss, systems controlled by embedded computing machines become indispensable in our lives and can be found in batch of application. And the country of embedded real-time systems introduces the facets of stochastic behavior of real-time systems. In my thesis I deal with platform specific stochastic undertaking. Because of rapid growing in embedded systems by twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours, the undertakings in a system are incomplexed mode in a existent clip system and it is normally assumed that the undertaking consume wcet in every supplication. And it is pessimistic premise that is made in order to vouch difficult real-time public presentation. But we have besides soft real-time restraints so that pessimistic premise could be relaxed. In my thesis I worked on loosen uping the pessimistic premise so that more systems are schedulable and more over it is really of import for a system to work on a higher work burden where it is to be schedulable. By this I can do this system to lose their deadlines.7.2 Future workBased on my thesis work, In certain countries it can be better farther by implementing Modified Least Laxity Scheduling Algorithm. By, the aid of this algorithm we can understate the context switches. By understating it, we can non happen any deadline girls and there will be hundred percent use of system which contains higher work burden.Chapter 8Mentions[ 1 ] hypertext transfer protocol: //, Last updated: Oct 17, 2007. [ 2 ] hypertext transfer protocol: //, Article licensed under GNU Free Documentation License. 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PhD thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 1999. [ 16 ] M.K. Gardner and J.W.S.Liu.Analysing Stochastic Fixed Priority Real-Time Systems, pages 44-58.Springer, 1999. [ 17 ] X.S.Hu, T.Zhou, and E.H.M.Sha. Estimating Probabilistic timing public presentation for real-time embedded systems.IEEE Minutess on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 9 ( 6 ) :833-844, December 2001. [ 18 ] A.Kavavade and P.Moghe. A tool for public presentation appraisal of networked embedded end-systems. In Proceedings of the thirty-fifth Design Automation Conference, pages 257-262, 1998. [ 19 ] J.Kim and K.G.Shin. Execution clip analysis of pass oning undertakings in distributed systems.IEEE Minutess on Computers, 445 ( 5 ) :572-579, May 1996. [ 20 ] T.S.Tia, Z.Deng, M.Shankar, M.Storch, J.Sun, L-C.Wu, and J.W.S.Liu. Probabilistic public presentation warrant for real-time undertakings with changing calculation times. In Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, pages 164-173, May 1995. [ 21 ] T.Zhou, X. ( S. ) Hu, and E.H.M.Sha. A probabilistic public presentation metric for existent clip system design. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Hardware-Software Co-Design, pages 90-94, 1999.AppendixIn this chapter we present the timing diagrams of the agendas provided by some real-time programming algorithms, viz. the earliest deadline foremost, the rate-monotonic and least laxness foremost algorithms, on given sets of undertakings. The timing diagram of undertaking t1 before scheduling The timing diagram of undertaking t2 before scheduling The timing diagram of undertaking t3 before scheduling Sing a system dwelling of three undertakings and that have the repeat periods, calculation times, first supplication times and deadlines are defined in above tabular array. The undertakings are pre-emptive.Earliest Deadline First AlgorithmAs presented in below, the uniprocessor real-time system dwelling of the undertakings Set defined in Table 3 is non EDF-schedulable, because while the executing of the first supplication of the undertaking t2 is non finished yet ; the new supplication of the undertaking arrives. In other words, an overrun status happens. _ ?Rate Monotonic AlgorithmAs shown in below, the uniprocessor real-time system dwelling of the undertakings set defined in above tabular array is non RM-schedulable. The ground is that the deadline of the first supplication of the undertaking t3 is missed. The executing of the first supplication is required to be finished by clip 6, but the agenda could non do it.Least Laxity First AlgorithmBelow nowadayss a part of the timing diagram of the agenda provided by the least laxness foremost algorithm on the undertakings set defined in above tabular array. As shown in the, the deadline of the 3rd supplication of the undertaking t1 can non be met. we conclude that the uniprocessor real-time system dwelling of the undertakings set defined in tabular array is non LLFschedulable.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Black People and Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Black People and Prejudice Essay â€Å"Ahhhhhhhh!† I squealed and jumped for joy the moment I dropped the phone. I hurrily scurried over to my mom to share the news. â€Å"Mommy, I got my first job!† This was the stepping stone to me being an independent young woman. I was officially employed at Hollister Co. as a sales model. I was ecstatic and excited to make some money at the tender age of 15. My first week was definitely a learning experience; from learning how to maintain a cash registrar to folding tons of polos and jeans. Soon through this journey, it started to become bittersweet. With three months of being employed, my shifts were diminishing from 4 shifts a week to 1 shift a week. As I looked at the schedule postings for the week, I noticed a trend with the scheduling of the shifts. Ironically, most of the employees that were working more hours and more shifts were white females. I figured it might have something to do with the fact that my supervisor is a white surfer-boy who is infatuated with beach-blonde beauties. However that did not stop me from asking him to put me on the schedule more. Sadly, I resent the day I had asked him. Unfortunately, he felt that I didn’t have the â€Å"natural beachy look† that Hollister Co. was trying to perceive. I am of Malaysian decent and have tan skin color. Hearing that definitely bruised my ego and made me self-conscious about my appearance. I felt this was a tactic for me to quit, and so I did. Over the months I begin to realize that ultimately there will be people in the world that have a perspective of life that I cannot seem to change. I had realized that this was not my fault; it was his own personal judgment that led him to think that. I was treated this way because of how I looked not on who I am. Many people have tried to explain the reasoning of why people are prejudiced and discriminate against one another. Two readings that are eye-openers about prejudice are â€Å"Causes of Prejudice† and â€Å"C.P. Ellis.† In the essay, â€Å"Causes of Prejudice,† the author Vincent N. Parrillo explains the reasons for racism and discrimination in the United States. Which brings us to Studs Terkel’s essay â€Å"C.P. Ellis,† he tells us the story of C.P. Ellis, a former Klansmen who claims he is no longer racist. With Parrillo’s essay, we will analyze what caused C.P. Ellis to be prejudice and how he changed. Parrillo’s Causes of Prejudice outlines reasons how and why prejudice exists in today’s society. Parrillo first starts out telling us that prejudice is the rejection of a member of a certain culture, and that ethnocentrism is a rejection of all culture as a whole. He then states that there are four areas of study to consider when dealing with prejudice; levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality, and frustration. This theory is ideal to the root of why and where prejudice starts. He explains that the first level of prejudice is the cognitive level of prejudice. This is a person’s beliefs of a culture. The second level is the emotional level of prejudice. This level includes what kind of emotional response a culture has on a person. These emotions for example can be that of hate, love, fear, etc†¦ The final level, explains Parrillo, is the action oriented level. This is the desire to physically act upon their prejudice feelings toward the person or culture. As stated in the text, â€Å"The emotional level of prejudice encompasses the feelings that a minority group arouses in an individual. Although these feelings may be based on stereotypes from the cognitive level they represent more intense stages of personal involvement† (Parrillo 386). His statement holds true. In the sense of economic competition prejudice occurs frequently. We need to realize that jealousy is an important factor of prejudice. There would still be competitions, hatred, and stereotyping. It is just in our human nature. The story of C.P Ellis begins as he discusses his life as being a white male from a low-income class. His frustrations and misfortunes lead him to become a member of the Ku Klux Klan. His father always told Ellis to stay away from blacks, Jews, and Catholics’ and he obeyed his father’s wishes. In a sense, it seemed as if Ellis truly admired his father. At 17 years old, his father soon passed away and Ellis was forced to work to tend to his family. Ellis discusses his frustrations on having to make ends meet with four children, the eldest being mentally challenged and the struggles he has to endure to make it happen. Ellis begins to blame the black people for his tragedy and his misfortune of not being able to have sufficient funds. In relevance to Parrillo’s essay, he explains that â€Å"frustrations tend to increase aggression toward others† (Parrillo 393). This ties into the anger that Ellis began to direct it towards as he stated, â€Å"I didn’t know who to blame. I tried to find somebody. I began to blame it on black people. I had to hate somebody† (Terkel 400). Ellis believed that blaming others rather than himself was the best way to get over his frustrations. We are then exploited to the self esteem Ellis had and his state of mind when starting his racist rampage. To begin with, Ellis shows throughout the essay that he is weak minded and has very low self-esteem. Ellis states, â€Å"The majority of ‘em are low income whites, people who really don’t have a part in something. They have been shut out as well as the blacks†¦So the natural person to hate would the black person† (Terkel 401). Ellis started to hate the fact that he was poor and turned to the KKK. He felt the KKK opened opportunities he could achieve because of the stability and members of the group. Parrillo states that â€Å"self-justification† is lead to believe the main cause of prejudice. He states â€Å"a person may avoid social contact with groups deemed inferior and associate only with those identified as being of high status† (Parrillo 387). We can identify the behaviors and personality Ellis displays is relevant to the same behaviors and personality of his father. Throughout the story, Ellis directed his hatred towards blacks just like his father did. Ellis states â€Å"The natural person for me to hate would be black people, because my father before me was a member of the Klan. As far as he was concerned, it was the savior of the white people† (Terkel 400). We can recognize that his racist ways came from his father who told him what to believe. We can identify this as the â€Å"socialization† factor of prejudice. When one is taught something which they live by all their life they begin to play a role just as the one who taught them those ways. Parrillo elaborates, â€Å"We thus learn the prejudices of our parents and others, which then become part of our values and beliefs. Even when based on false stereotypes, prejudices shape our perceptions of various peoples and influence our attitudes and actions toward particular groups† (Parrillo 394). We can make the connection that Ellis’s father was racist he gained his father’s characteristics as well as his beliefs. This also ties in when he begins to blame black people because he was taught they were the cause of the economic problems he was facing. Ellis states â€Å"If we didn’t have niggers in the schools, we wouldn’t have the problems we got today† (Terkel 402). Here he did not truly experience what he believed but he was told this and began to live by it, which was passed down by his father. Over the time, Ellis and his views about the blacks changed altogether. In the end, Ellis has an epiphany once he realized how much in common he really had with blacks. He soon began to realize that black people were just as normal and looking for the same thing in life. He tells us what he realized later in his life â€Å"As long as they kept low-income whites and low-income blacks fightin’, they’re gonna maintain control† (Terkel 403). The revelation is going to change his life. He refers to they as being the politicians and government. He began to have his own mind set and realize that all are alike and should not be treated differently. Some white people had just as low incomes as some black people, which led him to realize that they were all at the same level. There is no explanation as to why Ellis really decided to all of a sudden change his views. We can relate this to Parrillo’s statement, â€Å"Although socialization explains how prejudicial attitudes may be transmitted from one generation to the next, it does not explain their origin or why they intensify or diminish over the years† (Terkel 394). In conclusion, both Parrillo’s essay and Ellis’s story go hand in hand in showing us the real reason why prejudice and racism still exists today. Vincent Parrillo exemplifies valid points and key notions on why cause a person to be prejudice and racist. C.P Ellis provides an insightful eye and truly gives us hope that maybe people will change their views over the years. Both showed us that prejudice is a prime factor in this society and this is because everyone was born and raised differently. Everyone has their own beliefs and ideas. Value, attitudes, beliefs and culture all are targets of prejudice. Regardless of anything, we will never be able to change that. People just try to persevere to the stereotyping and criticizing of other races and their own. Parrillo, Vincent N. â€Å"‘Causes of Prejudice.† Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2010. 384-398. Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking and Writing. Ed. Gary Colombo, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2010. 398-408. 1. Do you have a sufficient number of quoted passages from theoretical essay you have chosen and have you commented sufficiently on each? List the page numbers of the passages below. 2. Do you have a sufficient number of quoted passages from personal essay you have chosen and have you commented sufficiently on each? List the page numbers of the passages below. 3. Explain the order in which you chose to make your points via the passages you quoted. 4. Name three writing errors you are likely to make in your prose and check the rough draft for these. Use the OWL website if necessary to look for examples of how to address these problems. List the likely errors below. Alternating long and short sentences. 5. Read your final draft of the essay aloud so that you do not allow your eyes you’re your brain to self-correct the errors in your essay. List the kinds of errors you found below. Black People and Prejudice. (2016, Dec 23).

Potential of virtual currency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Potential of virtual currency - Research Paper Example The regimes include the rules that are against money laundering, regulations on the electric money transfer, regulations on gift card and also the requirements on financial privacy. Following the growth of technology social networks, and also, gaming sites have also developed. The networks have evolved to offering individual form of currency. It is also worth understanding that the currencies offered by the networking sites circulate in the entire economy. There are various forms of virtual economies such as the closed loop economies; it is involved in the restriction of users to single entities, and the currency is acceptable. It also involves the semi-closed loop; it is a loop that enables the user to use the funds and make purchases from sellers who are defined. Lastly, is an open loop that enables the currency to get applied in unlimited numbers to the retailer (Keith, 2011). Due to  growth on the gaming systems and also virtual economies the gap between virtual systems and the real world has become blurred. Therefore, it is significant that the people involved in the economies to perform various roles. People involved include the government regulators and also the central bank (David et al., 2011). It should also get understood that there are possibilities of the virtual economies to get converted to real world goods, as well as currencies. Questions are arising due to virtual economies becoming similar and also interoperable in the real world economies. There are questions as to whether statutes of the real world such as the transfer of funds, money transmitting and also holding of financial transactions is applicable to the websites and other similar services (David et al., 2011). There are also issues regarding the virtue payments due to the evolution of the virtue economies, and they continue to outpace the regulations of the real world. With the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answers - Essay Example a. a sprint by an Olympic runner b. a long, relaxing swim c. throwing a baseball d. weight training 4. The velocity of blood flow decreases when   a. Viscosity increases. b. Blood pressure increases. c. Vessel radius increases. d. Afterload increases. e. vasomotion decreases 5. The ability to see color is the due to a. rods b. cones c. rhodopsin d. Both A and C e. Both B and C 6. Stimuli produced by sound waves reach the brain following the pathway:   a. cochlear duct ? spiral organ ? ossicles ? oval window ? auditory canal ? tympanic membrane ? fibers of cochlear nerve b. auditory canal ? tympanic membrane ? oval window ? cochlear duct ? ossicles ? spiral organ ? fibers of cochlear nerve c. cochlear duct ? oval window ? auditory canal ? tympanic membrane ? ossicles ? spiral organ ? fibers of cochlear nerve d. tympanic membrane ? auditory canal ? ossicles ? oval window ? cochlear duct ? spiral organ ? fibers of cochlear nerve e. auditory canal ? tympanic membrane ? ossicles ? ova l window ? cochlear duct ? spiral organ ? fibers of cochlear nerve 7. Opening and closing of the heart valves is caused by   a. Breathing. b. Gravity. c. Valves contracting and relaxing. d. Osmotic gradients. e. Pressure gradients. 8. Rank the following steps in order (2 pts). ___4_ Myosin heads bind to actin forming a cross-bridge.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Diversity Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversity Exercise - Essay Example While I watched the movie I believe that I would not bring myself to do most of the cruel things that people did in the movie. I would not have the courage to harm my fellow countryman. I had mixed emotions such as sadness for the citizens of Rwanda who were made to fight each other, and anger for the way the police treated them and for those who killed others. Looking at the Tutsi who were the minority, and were chased from their homes, killed and tortured, I thought they had every right to retaliate even though they were the minority. I learnt that there is the need for care when handling people around you, whether a stranger or a familiar person. Simon Birch is based on a young boy born with a growth disability. From watching the movie, I learnt that self belief is important and everything that happens happens for a reason. Looking at the character of Simon Birch, he made me realize that am sympathetic but also realistic by how he still managed to enjoy his early life by being funny, going swimming, and playing baseball. The movie made me believe that there is God. Initially, I thought that most disabled people are sad, hopeless and cannot do anything to help themselves and the people around them. However, this changed after watching the movie ans saw how Simon birch once saved children from a sinking bus. That made me look at the disabled people different, as people who can also do amazing things. The movie made me respect the disabled, while interacting with them give them credit and believe in them. Companies should give equal opportunities to individuals concentrating on their merit and not their race, tribe, nationality, religion or condition. In the United States, there are 36 million people with disabilities representing 12% of the civilian non-institutionalized population. 34% of disabled citizens in the U.S are working, their median earnings are approximately $18,865 compared to the able

Friday, July 26, 2019

How advertising has changed the perception of womens self-esteem Essay

How advertising has changed the perception of womens self-esteem - Essay Example This essay "How advertising has changed the perception of women’s self-esteem" describes the alteration in women’s self-esteem brought by the media and advertising as they experience great pressure to cope and adapt to the world around them. Contemporary western culture strongly eulogizes the virtues of products and interventions which seek to enhance one’s physical appearance, through aggressive advertisement campaigns aimed at appealing to the sensibilities of the vulnerable target groups – the female consumers. This is evident from the gamut of television advertisements promoting and advocating the merits of medical alterations and the use of cosmetic products which promises the proverbial "fountain of youth" to the ageing population, and enhanced sex appeal to the youth. Such an increased penetration of medical marketing and cosmetics as tools to increase one's social standing and elevate their likeability within the contemporary society has generated a greater awareness regarding such products and at the same time, significantly transformed the very definition of "ideal beauty". It now encompasses a term which refers to the achievement of unrealistic beauty standards which are acquired through the normalization of an individual's body which are in sync with the digitally enhanced images and those unattainable through natural means, i.e., cosmetic surgery. The fixation with slenderness as an ideal body type and an unrivalled eagerness to conform to the widely accepted social standards of beauty has provided an added boost to the cosmetics industry.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Loss Aversion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Loss Aversion - Essay Example In this particular source, the author discusses the issue of cost aversion from a phenomenal perspective. This is because the writer treats the topical issue of finance and cost aversion from a rational perspective where he makes use of radical human experiences to understand the basic principles of finance rather than using complex financial terminologies. Due to this reason, the writer introduces a theme, which is refers to as mental accounting. By mental accounting, each member of the wider population is assumed to be a financial expert because in one way or the other, the person uses his or her mental faculties to undertake and comprehend basic marketing and financial principles. The focus of the work of the writer can therefore be said to be looking at marketing and finance from a behavioral approach rather than a technical approach. From a personal analytical view, it would be said that the content of the writer’s work may concern some justifiable points but not much work was done by the writer to prove the authentication of the facts presented. For instance there was not the use of any financial models. The source would however be strongly criticized on the lack of empirical financial models being used in the data collection process. Though a finance and marketing paper, the writes are seen as writing from a more behavioral perspective. This dismisses the use of any well defined quantitative arguments that could offer a generalized persuasion of the arguments put forth. Camerer, Colin. Three Cheers--Psychological, Theoretical, Empirical--For Loss Aversion. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 42, No. 2 (May, 2005), pp. 129-133. Available at Camerer (2005) is credited as a multi-disciplinary scholar whose research cuts across several fields and acreas of study. His major area however happens to be in finance. The source put forth by Camerer (2005) is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evaluating websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluating websites - Essay Example For academic purposes however, may not pass as a valid reference because it is not considered a scholarly site but rather just a tutorial. It could however, support as reference to scholarly journals. With, the films and clips that would be shown there can be referenced because it is the film maker that matters in academic citation and not the medium or platform. I chose to evaluate these two websites because they are very popular among teenagers like me and I would like to figure out myself if they are valid and substantive website. I also would like to know if they could pass for academic referencing. After studying that valid academic websites must be supported by scientific methodologies, I concluded may not qualify to be used as a primary reference even if it is very popular among students like me. Of course these websites are very helpful and easy to use especially Who does not want to watch movies and tv anyway? It is also almost plug and play the moment we have chosen our desired film or tv series so it is very easy to use. It is also very helpful because the interface of the website is very easy to understand and navigate ( With regard to, the website is also extremely helpful with the basics in case we want to brush up with it. The site however is not much of use to college students and especially if the lessons that we are dealing with are quite complex. In addition, it cannot be used as a primary reference and not a site for research. With regard to its ease of use, the website is also easy to navigate and the subjects are logically arranged and categorized so that they can be easily located ( There are things that could be learned from than is an entertainment website and in academic sense, there is nothing much to be picked from it. But if we want to have a cost effective

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategic Role of Information Systems in Contemporary Business Essay

Strategic Role of Information Systems in Contemporary Business Organisations - Essay Example Behind the Google search engine IT infrastructure are huge server farms and storage databases that enable the production of significantly high computational processing power. There is speculation about Google’s server farms, terabytes of storage disks packaged into shipping containers in order to allow for more set-ups of server farms around the world (Spencer 2011:35). These infrastructures are then distributed across numerous independent, which further provide resources for parallel computing. The arrangement has enabled Google to expand its market worldwide, surpassing the 100 billion dollars market capital as well as gaining admiration and respect all over the globe. Additionally, the paper uses Porter’s 5-forces approach to elaborate the competitive environment of the company as well as highlights its competitive advantages. Introduction The Google search engine is among the most widely used search engines in the globe. The firm has captured the hearts of informati on-craving individuals searching the web for everything and anything in their imagination. The growth of the company has been tremendous, dominating the search engine market by more than 60% worldwide (Scott 2008:162). Additionally, the firm currently has a market capital approaching the 200 billion dollars mark, which economically suggests that the company is doing great. The company capitalizes on information technology strategies to expand its market share, including improvement of its unique search engine algorithm as well as knowledge management techniques (Dalkir 2005:122). This paper seeks to analyze the conceptual framework of Google’s strategies and the application of knowledge management concept in developing and sustaining the strategic capabilities and the competitive edge of the company. The research strategy focuses on the recent adoption of knowledge management techniques in the search engine, as well as other application like the new social network Google Plus . The paper utilizes materials from educative and scholarly articles, journals, and books. Conceptual Framework The success of Google in the web-based search engine industry is attributed to the adoption of knowledge management principles in its search technology. Knowledge management is a powerful tool that Google has incorporated at the centre of its search paradigm (Fernandez and Leidner 2008:81). The search technology design is in such a manner that it polls the collective judgment of many web creators to optimize its search results. Consequently, the company has created a multi-billion dollar business empire from super-targeted advertisements that give magazines and newspaper classified a run for their money. Google was a first-mover in the many/ordinary business model, leaving most of the other competitors on the few/expert model (Bottletree Books 2011:23). The company capitalizes on the fact that search results be ranked based on collective judgment. The search results improv e as more people conduct web search using their application, enabling Google to associate relevant contents with keywords. Findings and Analysis The development of search engines began in early 1990s with aims of facilitating

The Life of Andrea Pia Yates Essay Example for Free

The Life of Andrea Pia Yates Essay She was consequently committed by the court to the North Texas State Hospital, Typically, a woman has a believably tragic story to go along with her deed, although some like Mary Beth Tinning, Susan Smith, and Marie Noe turned out to have killed for reasons other than their initial excuses. Thus, excuses become suspicious. And sometimes an act is so overwhelming that no mental condition seems to count as a reasonable explanation. However, although juries tend to punish the killing of strangers harshly, they often are more lenient with mothers as it is evident in this particular case. It appears that juries have a difficult time in America sending a mother to lethal injection or the electric chair. While postpartum depression occurs in up to twenty percent of women who have children, psychotic manifestations are much rarer, and thus much less understood. Only one in five hundred births result in the mothers postpartum psychosis, says forensic psychiatrist Michael Welner (Ramsland). A psychiatric examination was ordered for Andrea. The psychiatrist asked Andrea what she thought would happen to the children now. She indicated that she believed God would take them up. Â   He reversed the question and asked what might have happened if she had not taken their lives. Andrea said, I guess they would have continued stumbling, which meant, They would have gone to hell. The doctors testifying for Yates made the claim. She did what she thought was right in the world she perceived through her psychotic eyes at the time, said psychiatrist Phillip Resnick. In other words, even if she seemed to understand the difference between right and wrong, she did not know what she was doing (Ramsland). Although the prosecutors did not dispute the fact that Yates was mentally ill, they did argue that she knew her actions were wrong. How these two sides lined up on different poles of interpretation illustrates the great divide between the concepts of mental illness and legal insanity in the U. S. This case made it clear that its time for courts to better address the gap. Yates defense team proved her history of delusional depression, use of anti-psychotic drugs, and suicide attempts, and theres documentation that postpartum mood swings can sometimes evoke psychosis. Yet no matter how many doctors testified to Yates mental decline, the legal issue hinged on only her mental state at the time of the offense. As Yates drowned her children one by one, even chasing down the seven-year-old to drag him to the tub, did she really have any awareness that what she was doing was wrong? In her cell when Yates was interviewed by one of the rebuttal psychiatrist, Andrea admitted that it had been a bad decision to kill the children, and said, I shouldnt have done it. Â   She thought the devil had left after she committed the crime. He destroys and then leaves. Since she was claiming that she did indeed know that it was wrong, the attorneys needed experts who could prove that her manner of processing this information was in itself rooted in psychosis. Not only did they have to meet one of the most restrictive standards in the country for insanity, they had to educate the jury in ideas about mental illness that were rife among the public with stereotypes and m isperception and to help them get beyond the literal interpretation of right and wrong. During Yates trial, psychiatrist Park Dietz who was never Yates psychiatrist testified that she was not mentally ill, but had cleverly patterned her childrens killings after an episode of Law and Order, where a woman drowned her children but was found not guilty by reason of insanity. There was just one problem with Dietz testimony: Law and Order had never filmed a storyline even vaguely like the episode Dietz described. On the basis of Dietz misleading testimony, Yates was granted a re-trial in 2006. She was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and transferred from prison (where she had spent four years) to a state mental hospital for treatment. Betsy Schwartz, executive director of the Mental Health Association of Greater Houston, said the verdict brought justice to a woman whose severe mental illness was never in question. Dietz, the psychiatrist who said his false testimony was an honest mistake, was never indicted for perjury (Ramsland). Conclusively, it is evident that Andrea’s mental illness journey began shortly after the birth of her first born child. Andrea began to have violent visions: she saw someone being stabbed. She thought she heard Satan speak to her. However, she and her husband had idealistic, Bible-inspired notions about family and motherhood, so she kept her tormenting secrets to herself. She didnt realize how much mental illness there was in her own family, from depression to bipolar disorder—which can contribute to postpartum psychosis.